
How Does The Secret Service Get Along With Melania Trump

Spending records reviewed by The Washington Mail service testify U.S. taxpayers spent more than than $52,000 to guard Steven Mnuchin, a multimillionaire and former investment banker, during a June trip to the Eye Due east

The six months of extra Secret Service protection canonical past approachable President Donald Trump for his 4 adult children and other staffers before leaving office cost taxpayers $i.vii 1000000, co-ordinate to spending documents analyzed by The Washington Post .

The source added that some other not-Trump family members were likewise given an extended period of security but could not provide names.

The Post reported that former Treasury Secretarial assistant Steven Mnuchin, Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows and former National Security Advisor Robert O'Brien were amidst those granted extended protection.

On Friday, the Postal service reported the loftier cost of that extra protection, including that that the U.S. government paid up to $iii,000 each for plane tickets and $eleven,000 for rooms at the St. Regis Doha during a trip Mnuchin took to the Middle East in June.

"In all, the records bear witness U.S. taxpayers spent more than $52,000 to guard a multimillionaire on a business organization trip," the paper reported.

Mnuchin, 58, was previously an investment broker and motion picture producer prior to joining the Trump chiffonier every bit secretary of the Treasury.

A spokesperson for Mnuchin told the paper that he did not ask Trump to provide the extra Undercover Service protection but also did not plow it downward on the advice of "government officials." The spokesperson added that Mnuchin intends to reimburse some of the costs but did not elaborate farther.

As the Post notes, the Secret Service'southward $2.4 billion budget is more than enough to cover the unusual asking for extra coverage. The protection is nevertheless notable, however, as it extends to adults (similar Trump's elder sons) who had no official function in government and seemingly have enough wealth to pay for their own security as private citizens.

trump family at the republican national convention august 2020

From left: Donald Trump, Melania Trump and son Barron Trump at the Republican National Convention in Baronial 2020

| Credit: Brendan Smialowski/Getty

The Secret Service is required by constabulary to protect ex-presidents and their spouses for life, merely is only required to protect their children until they turn sixteen.

Some presidents take requested extra protection for their children for a brusque time afterward leaving function, but commonly in those cases the children were higher-aged or younger.

In a June interview onGood Morning America, one-time President Bill Clinton said that he worried about daughter Chelsea'southward safety following the events of Sept. xi, 2001, and took it upon himself to rent security to ensure she was okay, though he was months removed from role.

Chelsea, at present 41, was at that indicate living in New York and attending higher.

"Nosotros did go security for her, headed by a sometime Hugger-mugger Service amanuensis, for quite a while later 9/11," President Clinton said on GMA. "I was really worried then ... We tried to practice the best we could to whatever point she felt comfortable, and if she didn't want it anymore, we didn't do it, but she was an adult and she tin brand the decision. But she realized that she was at some risk for a couple of years later on 9/eleven."

The Obamas' daughters were teenagers when their begetter's term ended. President George W. Bush's daughters were 27 when he left office and did not continue to receive Hugger-mugger Service protection.

Trump's oldest child, Don Jr., is 43. Ivanka is 39, Tiffany is 27, and Eric is 37. By proximity, their children — Trump's grandchildren — have also received Cloak-and-dagger Service protection in recent months.

Ivanka and Kushner, have three young children. Eric, and Lara, 38, have 2 young kids. Don Jr. has v children from a previous wedlock to Vanessa Trump.

President Trump and former First Lady Melania Trump will be given Hugger-mugger Service protection for the remainder of their lives, while thePost reported earlier that their 15-twelvemonth-old son Barron will continue receiving protection until he's 16.

The former president'due south role did not respond to PEOPLE's request for comment on the report. The Surreptitious Service sent the following argument: "Equally a matter of exercise, the U.S. Secret Service does not discuss protective operations or protectees."


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