
What Are The Ways To Obtain Service And Procedure For Each In Illinois

Illinois Rules of Civil Procedure

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Illinois Process Server Licensing Requirements. Procedure shall exist served by a sheriff, or if the sheriff is butterfingers, by a coroner of some county of the State. A sheriff of a county with a population of less than 2,000,000 may utilize civilian personnel to serve process. In counties with a population of less than 2,000,000, process may exist served, without special appointment, by a person who is licensed or registered as a private detective under the Private Detective, Private Alarm, Individual Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004 or by a registered employee of a private detective agency certified under that Act. A individual detective or licensed employee must supply the sheriff of any canton in which he serves procedure with a copy of his license or certificate; however, the failure of a person to supply the copy shall not in any way impair the validity of procedure served by the person. The courtroom may, in its discretion upon motility, order service to exist fabricated by a private person over 18 years of age and not a political party to the activeness. Information technology is not necessary that service be made by a sheriff or coroner of the canton in which service is made. If served or sought to be served by a sheriff or coroner, he or she shall endorse his or her render thereon, and if by a individual person the return shall be by affidavit.

There is no statewide licensing law in Illinois; however, a person licensed in Illinois as a "private detective" may serve original process in all counties except for Cook Canton without special engagement. In social club for PIs to serve in Cook County, the court upon motion and in its discretion, may appoint a "private detective agency" as a special procedure server in lieu of an individual. It is non necessary that service be made only by a sheriff or PI. Individual persons over the age of 18, upon motion, may exist appointed by the courtroom to serve original process. [Illinois Compiled Statutes §v/2-202]

Illinois Civil Process Note . Whoever knowingly resists or obstructs the authorized service or execution of any civil or criminal process or order of whatsoever court commits a Class B misdemeanor. [Illinois Compiled Statutes: Criminal Offenses, Criminal Cod of 1961. (720 ILCS v/31-three) Sec 31-3. Obstructing service of process]

Illinois Rules of Civil Procedure. Please notation that lobbyists are active in the state of Illinois and laws concerning civil procedure and process serving can change. Therefore the information listed beneath may have been amended. For updated process serving legislation, please visit the Illinois Country Legislature website.

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Chapter 735. Civil Procedure

  • 735 ILCS 5/2-201. Commencement of actions – Forms of process.
  • 735 ILCS v/two-202. Persons authorized to serve process; Identify of service; Failure to make render.
  • 735 ILCS 5/two-203. Service on individuals.
  • 735 ILCS 5/ Service by special club of courtroom.
  • 735 ILCS 5/2-204. Service on private corporations.
  • 735 ILCS 5/2-205. Service on partnership and partners.
  • 735 ILCS v/2-205.1. Service on voluntary unincorporated associations.
  • 735 ILCS five/2-208. Personal service exterior State.
  • 735 ILCS 5/2-209. Human action submitting to jurisdiction – Process.
  • 735 ILCS 5/2-211. Service on public, municipal, governmental and quasi-municipal corporations.
  • 735 ILCS 5/2-212. Service on trustee of corporation or receiver.

Chapter 735. Civil Process

735 ILCS 5/2-201. Commencement of deportment – Forms of process.

  • Every action, unless otherwise expressly provided by statute, shall be commenced by the filing of a complaint. The clerk shall issue summons upon request of the plaintiff. The form and substance of the summons, and of all other process, and the issuance of alias procedure, and the service of copies of pleadings shall be co-ordinate to rules.
  • I or more duplicate original summonses may be issued, marked "Get-go Duplicate," "Second Indistinguishable," etc., as the case may be, whenever it will facilitate the service of summons in any ane or more counties, including the county of venue.

735 ILCS 5/two-202. Persons authorized to serve process; Place of service; Failure to make render.

Process shall be served by a sheriff, or if the sheriff is disqualified, by a coroner of some county of the Country. A sheriff of a county with a population of less than 2,000,000 (1 million) may employ civilian personnel to serve procedure. In counties with a population of less than 2,000,000 (two 1000000), process may be served, without special appointment, by a person who is licensed or registered every bit a individual detective under the Private Detective, Private Alert, Individual Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004 or by a registered employee of a private detective agency certified nether that Act. A private detective or licensed employee must supply the sheriff of any canton in which he serves process with a re-create of his license or certificate; however, the failure of a person to supply the copy shall not in any manner impair the validity of process served by the person. The court may, in its discretion upon motion, guild service to be made by a private person over 18 years of age and not a party to the activeness. It is not necessary that service exist made by a sheriff or coroner of the county in which service is made. If served or sought to exist served by a sheriff or coroner, he or she shall endorse his or her render thereon, and if by a private person the return shall be by affidavit.

(a – 5) Upon motion and in its discretion, the courtroom may appoint equally a special procedure server a individual detective bureau certified under the Private Detective, Individual Alarm, Private Security, and Locksmith Act of 2004. Under the appointment, any employee of the individual detective bureau who is registered nether that Human action may serve the process. The motion and the order of date must contain the number of the certificate issued to the private detective agency by the Department of Professional Regulation under the Individual Detective, Private Alert, Private Security, and Locksmith Deed of 2004.

Summons may be served upon the defendants wherever they may be plant in the Country, by any person authorized to serve process. An officer may serve summons in his or her official capacity outside his or her canton, merely fees for mileage exterior the county of the officer cannot be taxed as costs. The person serving the procedure in a foreign county may brand render by mail.

If whatsoever sheriff, coroner, or other person to whom any procedure is delivered, neglects or refuses to make render of the same, the plaintiff may petition the court to enter a rule requiring the sheriff, coroner, or other person, to brand render of the process on a day to be fixed by the court, or to show crusade on that day why that person should not be attached for antipathy of the court. The plaintiff shall and then cause a written observe of the rule to be served on the sheriff, coroner, or other person. If good and sufficient cause be not shown to alibi the officer or other person, the court shall adjudge him or her guilty of a contempt, and shall impose punishment equally in other cases of antipathy.

If process is served by a sheriff or coroner, the court may tax the fee of the sheriff or coroner as costs in the proceeding. If procedure is served by a private person or entity, the court may found a fee therefor and taxation such fee equally costs in the proceedings.

In addition to the powers stated in Section 8.1a of the Housing Authorities Human activity, in counties with a population of iii,000,000 or more inhabitants, members of a housing say-so police force may serve process for forcible entry and detainer deportment commenced by that housing authorization and may execute orders of possession for that housing authority.

In counties with a population of 3,000,000 or more, process may be served, with special appointment by the court, by a private process server or a law enforcement agency other than the county sheriff in proceedings instituted under the Forcible Entry and Detainer Article of this Lawmaking as a result of a lessor or lessor's assignee declaring a lease void pursuant to Section 11 of the Controlled Substance and Cannabis Nuisance Act.

Case Notes:

  • Illinois statute permitting process to be served "either by a sheriff or by a disinterested person appointed by the courtroom" did non require appointment of process server by Illinois courtroom, and permitted service of process in Illinois past private investigator specially appointed to serve procedure by Florida Excursion Court. Takiff 5. Takiff, 683 And then.2d 595 (1996).
  • Fact that lawsuit was filed in DuPage County, whose population is less than i million so that service by private detective is permitted, did not authorize service of process on accused in Cook Canton by private detective. Schorsch v. Fireside Chrysler-Plymouth 527 N.Eastward.2d 693 (1988); appeal denied, 535 N.E.second 411.
  • Service of process inside the state by a private individual not appointed to exercise so by the court is invalid. Lake Canton five. Ten-Po Sec. Police Service, Inc. 327 Due north.E.2nd 96 (1975).

735 ILCS 5/2-203. Service on individuals.

  • Except as otherwise expressly provided, service of summons upon an individual defendant shall be fabricated
    1. by leaving a re-create of the summons with the defendant personally,
    2. past leaving a re-create at the defendant's usual place of abode, with some person of the family or a person residing there, of the age of 13 years or upwardly, and informing that person of the contents of the summons, provided the officer or other person making service shall besides send a copy of the summons in a sealed envelope with stamp fully prepaid, addressed to the defendant at his or her usual place of abode, or
    3. as provided in Section 1-2-9.2 of the Illinois Municipal Code with respect to violation of an ordinance governing parking or standing of vehicles in cities with a population over 500,000. The document of the officer or affidavit of the person that he or she has sent the copy in pursuance of this Department is evidence that he or she has done then.
  • The officeholder, in his or her certificate or in a record filed and maintained in the Sheriff's office, or other person making service, in his or her affidavit or in a record filed and maintained in his or her employer's function, shall:
    1. identify equally to sexual activity, race, and approximate age the accused or other person with whom the summons was left and
    2. state the place where (whenever possible in terms of an exact street address) and the date and time of the mean solar day when the summons was left with the defendant or other person.
  • Any person who knowingly sets along in the certificate or affidavit any false statement, shall be liable in civil contempt. When the court holds a person in civil contempt under this Section, it shall honor such damages equally it determines to be just and, when the antipathy is prosecuted by a private attorney, may award reasonable attorney's fees. (Source: P.A. 88-340.)

Case Notes:

  • Return of officer or other authorized person making service of summons on defendant by delivering re-create to some other person must evidence strict compliance with every requirement of statute authorizing substituted service. Dec and Aque v. Manning. 618 N.E.2d 367 (1993); appeal denied, 624 N.E.2d 805.
  • Under this paragraph, strict adherence to technical requirements is a necessity when substituted service of procedure is attempted upon a nonresident of Illinois. Taylor five. Landsman, 422 N.E.2nd 403 (1981); rehearing denied, 425 N.Eastward.2d 218.

735 ILCS v/2-203.1. Service by special order of court.

If service upon an individual defendant is impractical under items (ane) and (two) of subsection (a) of Department ii-203, the plaintiff may move, without notice, that the court enter an guild directing a comparable method of service. The movement shall be accompanied with an affidavit stating the nature and extent of the investigation made to determine the whereabouts of the defendant and the reasons why service is impractical under items (ane) and (2) of subsection (a) of Section 2-203, including a specific statement showing that a diligent research equally to the location of the private accused was fabricated and reasonable efforts to make service have been unsuccessful. The court may order service to be fabricated in any fashion consistent with due process. (Source: P.A. 87-1165.)

735 ILCS v/2-204. Service on individual corporations.

A private corporation may be served (1) past leaving a copy of the procedure with its registered agent or whatsoever officer or amanuensis of the corporation constitute anywhere in the State; or (2) in any other fashion at present or hereafter permitted by law. A private corporation may also be notified by publication and post in like style and with like effect equally individuals. (Source: P.A. 83-707.)

735 ILCS 5/2-205. Service on partnership and partners.

  • A partnership sued in its firm name may be served by leaving a copy of the process with whatsoever partner personally or with any amanuensis of the partnership found anywhere in the State. A partnership sued in its business firm proper name may also exist notified past publication and mail in similar manner and with similar event as individuals.
  • When a personal judgment is sought against a known partner for a partnership liability the partner may be served (1) in any manner provided for service on individuals or (2) by leaving a copy of the summons for him or her with any other partner and mailing a re-create of the summons in a sealed envelope with postage prepaid, addressed to the partner against whom the judgment is sought at his or her usual place of dwelling house equally shown by an affidavit filed in the cause. The certificate of the officer or the affidavit of the other person making service that he or she has mailed the re-create in pursuance of this section is show that he or she has done so. Service on a nonresident partner confronting whom a personal judgment is sought may be fabricated by leaving a copy with whatever other partner, and mailing, as provided herein, only if the crusade of action sued on is a partnership liability arising out of the transaction of business organization within the State.
  • When a personal judgment is sought against an unknown owner in an action authorized under Section half-dozen of "An Act in relation to the use of an assumed name in the comport or transaction of business organisation in this State", canonical July 17, 1941, as amended, service may be made by leaving a re-create of the summons with any agent of the business organization and publishing discover in the manner provided by Section 2-206 of this Act. (Source: P.A. 83-707.)

735 ILCS 5/2-205.1. Service on voluntary unincorporated associations.

A voluntary unincorporated clan sued in its own name may exist served past leaving a copy of the process with whatever officer of the association personally or by leaving a copy of the procedure at the office of the association with an agent of the association. A voluntary unincorporated association sued in its own name may likewise be notified by publication and mail in similar fashion and with similar upshot every bit individuals. (Source: P.A. 83-901.)

735 ILCS 5/ii-208. Personal service outside State.

  • Personal service of summons may be fabricated upon any party outside the Land. If upon a citizen or resident of this State or upon a person who has submitted to the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, it shall have the force and effect of personal service of summons within this State; otherwise it shall take the force and result of service by publication.
  • The service of summons shall be made in like manner equally service within this State, by whatever person over 18 years of historic period not a party to the action. No society of court is required. An affidavit of the server shall be filed stating the time, manner and identify of service. The court may consider the affidavit, or any other competent proofs, in determining whether service has been properly made.
  • No default shall exist entered until the expiration of at least 30 days subsequently service. A default judgment entered on such service may be set aside only on a showing which would be timely and sufficient to prepare bated a default judgment entered on personal service within this State. (Source: P.A. 82-280.)

Case Note:

Attempted service by mail to Taiwanese corporation in Taiwan and to its sales representative in Indiana were insufficient; no federal statute authorized territorial service of Taiwanese corporation, and, co-ordinate to Illinois statutory constabulary, parties located exterior of the forum state had to exist personally served. Electronic Signals Products, Inc., v. Eastern Electronic Co. Ltd., 783 F.Supp. 1135 (N.D. Ill. 1992).

735 ILCS 5/2-209. Human action submitting to jurisdiction – Process.

  • Any person, whether or non a citizen or resident of this State, who in person or through an agent does any of the acts hereinafter enumerated, thereby submits such person, and, if an individual, his or her personal representative, to the jurisdiction of the courts of this State as to whatsoever cause of activity arising from the doing of any of such acts:
    1. The transaction of whatever business organisation within this Country;
    2. The commission of a tortious deed within this State;
    3. The buying, use, or possession of any real estate situated in this State;
    4. Contracting to insure any person, property or take a chance located within this State at the time of contracting;
    5. With respect to actions of dissolution of union, declaration of invalidity of marriage and legal separation, the maintenance in this State of a matrimonial domicile at the time this crusade of activity arose or the committee in this State of any human activity giving ascent to the cause of action;
    6. With respect to actions brought under the Illinois Parentage Act of 1984, equally at present or hereafter amended, the performance of an act of sexual intercourse within this State during the possible period of conception;
    7. The making or functioning of any contract or promise substantially connected with this State;
    8. The performance of sexual intercourse within this Land which is claimed to accept resulted in the conception of a child who resides in this State;
    9. The failure to support a child, spouse or former spouse who has continued to reside in this State since the person either formerly resided with them in this State or directed them to reside in this State;
    10. The acquisition of ownership, possession or control of whatsoever asset or matter of value nowadays within this Land when ownership, possession or command was acquired;
    11. The breach of any fiduciary duty within this State;
    12. The functioning of duties as a manager or officer of a corporation organized under the laws of this Land or having its chief identify of business within this State;
    13. The ownership of an interest in whatsoever trust administered within this State; or
    14. The practice of powers granted under the authorization of this Land as a fiduciary.
  • A court may do jurisdiction in any activity arising inside or without this State against any person who:
    1. Is a natural person present inside this Country when served;
    2. Is a natural person domiciled or resident within this State when the cause of activity arose, the action was commenced, or process was served;
    3. Is a corporation organized under the laws of this State; or
    4. Is a natural person or corporation doing business concern inside this State.
  • A courtroom may also exercise jurisdiction on any other footing now or hereafter permitted by the Illinois Constitution and the Constitution of the United States.
  • Service of process upon any person who is subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, as provided in this Section, may be made by personally serving the summons upon the defendant outside this State, as provided in this Human activity, with the same force and effect as though summons had been personally served within this State.
  • Service of process upon any person who resides or whose business address is exterior the United states and who is discipline to the jurisdiction of the courts of this State, as provided in this Section, in whatever action based upon production liability may be made by serving a copy of the summons with a re-create of the complaint attached upon the Secretary of State. The summons shall be accompanied by a $5 fee payable to the Secretarial assistant of Land. The plaintiff shall forthwith mail a re-create of the summons, upon which the date of service upon the Secretary is clearly shown, together with a copy of the complaint to the defendant at his or her terminal known identify of residence or business address. Plaintiff shall file with the circuit clerk an affidavit of the plaintiff or his or her chaser stating the last known place of residence or the concluding known business organisation address of the defendant and a certificate of mailing a copy of the summons and complaint to the accused at such accost as required past this subsection (e). The certificate of mailing shall exist prima facie prove that the plaintiff or his or her chaser mailed a re-create of the summons and complaint to the accused as required. Service of the summons shall be deemed to take been fabricated upon the defendant on the appointment it is served upon the Secretary and shall accept the same forcefulness and effect as though summons had been personally served upon the accused within this State.
  • Only causes of action arising from acts enumerated herein may be asserted against a defendant in an action in which jurisdiction over him or her is based upon subsection (a).
  • Nothing herein contained limits or affects the right to serve any process in any other manner at present or hereafter provided by constabulary. (Source: P.A. 86-840.)

735 ILCS v/2-211. Service on public, municipal, governmental and quasi-municipal corporations.

In actions against public, municipal, governmental or quasi-municipal corporations, summons may be served past leaving a copy with the chairperson of the county board or county clerk in the example of a canton, with the mayor or urban center clerk in the case of a metropolis, with the president of the board of trustees or hamlet clerk in the case of a village, with the supervisor or town clerk in the case of a town, and with the president or clerk or other officer corresponding thereto in the case of any other public, municipal, governmental or quasi-municipal corporation or body. (Source: P.A. 82-280.)

735 ILCS 5/two-212. Service on trustee of corporation or receiver.

Any trustee of a corporation or its property or any receiver may exist served with summons (1) in whatsoever manner provided for service on individuals or corporations, as is appropriate, or (2) past leaving a copy thereof with any agent in the employ of the trustee or receiver anywhere in the State. The trustee or receiver may also be notified by publication and mail in like manner and with like effect as individuals. (Source: P.A. 82-280.)

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