In a nutshell: No Man'south Sky continues to exist one of the greatest improvement stories in gaming history. Not only has information technology delivered on all of its failed promises, merely it besides continues to ameliorate the game with every major iteration. Version 3.5 is no exception.

On Wednesday, Hello Games released its seventeenth major update to No Man'due south Sky chosen "Prisms." Version 3.5 brings a few new gameplay features like ridable flying creatures, movable freighter bases, improved planetary charts, and a synthesis laboratory for ownership crafting component recipes. Withal, as the name suggests, the update is primarily about lite—aka visual overhaul.

Concluding month, Nvidia spilled the beans when information technology revealed that No Man's Heaven was one of several games that would be getting Deep Learning Super Sampling (DLSS) support, and here nosotros are.

"PC players with compatible NVIDIA RTX graphics cards tin can have reward of DLSS, gaining vastly improved functioning and visual quality," the patch notes read.

Maybe more importantly, DLSS back up too works in VR manner. Information technology volition not alleviate the screen door event, merely whatever improvement of VR visuals is always a blessing.

While HG is non yet prepare to delve into the complexities of real-fourth dimension ray tracing, it has added the next all-time thing to the Prisms update—screen space reflections (SSR). Screen space reflections are a less taxing form of ray tracing since it only needs to compute reflections for objects already rendered on the screen. Regardless of the differences in process, SSR brings shiny surfaces to No Man'south Sky, and they look terrific.

Another lighting technique is used to add together refractions when looking through curved surfaces. Starship cockpits, base windows, and alien bubbles on frothy planets can now refract light, making them appear more realistic.

Hello Games used "new styles" of volumetric lighting to bring more than depth to the diverse light sources. Colored and directional volumetrics requite the brilliant headlights of exocraft and starships that lightened haze you would wait. The outcome is especially dramatic as y'all endeavor to avoid the cone of a scout's spotlight. Crepuscular rays (aka God rays) have been reworked likewise.

On some textures, developers applied parallax occlusion mapping. This gives some surfaces that previously looked flat a great deal of depth. A stunning case is the floor of the Anomaly (beneath).

With the heavy focus on lighting in this update, it would exist a shame not to ameliorate the look of moisture objects. The developers take that covered. New particle effects enhance the wait of rain during storms as well every bit explosions. But not merely does the rain look good falling, information technology really makes things wet now. Whether it'due south your exosuit or a creature, objects develop a progressively damp sheen.

It's skillful that HG thought to make things wait wet considering going out in storms just became a thing. While outside the scope of the visual updates we've been highlighting, players now have a reason to wander about in extreme meteorological atmospheric condition like thunderstorms and falling star showers. These hazardous conditions now have a hazard to spawn valuable objects. Treasure hunters who typically look for booty cached under alien ruins at present accept another option to find rare artifacts to sell.

As always, in that location are dozens of other quality of life improvements, UI enhancements, audio tuning, and bug fixes in the update that nosotros never get a chance to talk about, so be sure to check out the patch notes for version 3.5 on the No Man'south Sky website.