
Do Presidents Get Secret Service Protection For Life

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I Dream Of Jeannie earned its spot as a 1960s classic goggle box show. The cute blonde genie that showed upwards in astronaut Tony Nelson'southward life has since become equally recognizable a character as Fred Flinstone. Life on the set of this Television set testify, however, was not every bit lite-hearted it appeared. These lesser-known facts about I Dream of Jeannie will requite you a new perspective on the playful comedy.

The Scandalous Abdomen Button

Barbara Eden's outfit every bit Jeannie took audiences by surprise — later on all, it was not mutual to run into so much pare on a 1960's television show. To mitigate the controversy caused by Eden's vesture, the show had to go creative.

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The solution they settled one was hiding her belly button as much as possible. For some reason, this was the body part that viewers were most outraged to see on screen. As bizarre as it seems today, this small change quelled criticism enough to go on the testify on the air.

Y'all might imagine that a genie's canteen would accept a handle and a long spout like something out of Aladdin, but Jeannie's bottle was much dissimilar. Information technology was tall, narrow and purple, and its truthful origins are surprising. The bottle viewers often see on the show? It was originally a limited edition bottle of Jim Axle whiskey.

Photograph Courtesy: Manfred Werner/Wikimedia Eatables

With a piddling ingenuity, the empty bottle was made into Jeannie's iconic domicile. It was originally painted black and golden and but received a makeover in purple once the show transitioned to color.

Larry Hagman Wasn't Happy

Any dice-hard fan of the bear witness knows that Larry Hagman, the man behind Jeannie's "master" Tony Nelson, was absolutely miserable on set up. There are several theories as to why he hated the job so much, but many believe it had to practice with Barbara Eden outshining him.

Photograph Courtesy: NBC Television/Wikipedia

No matter what, viewers of the show were e'er most interested in Barbara Eden's grapheme. She was ultimately the star of the bear witness, and many believe Hagman didn't like that she got all the attention. Nevertheless, Hagman stuck it out for five seasons.

The Crew Wasn't Happy With Larry Hagman

Thanks to Larry Hagman'south bad attitude on set, the rest of the crew wasn't happy, either. He expressed his dissatisfaction with his function through rude behavior and sometimes outright insulting anybody around him. The cast and crew had to put up with it — only they had their small forms of revenge.

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For example, coiffure members tell the story of Hagman demanding a cup of tea. Instead of calculation sugar, they added spoonfuls of salt. Hagman took a sip and spit the liquid out, enraged. A niggling bit of karma!

The Stiff Competition

There was another testify on air during I Dream of Jeannie'south tenure that bore many similarities to the comedic fantasy. This was the equally popular Bugged, starring Elizabeth Montgomery and Dick York. As many viewers noticed, both shows were built around the combination of "normal" life and magical beings, and Barbara Eden and Elizabeth Montgomery even resembled each other somewhat

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Every bit a upshot, some viewers saw I Dream of Jeannie as trying to ride Bewitched's coattails, and there was initially a sense of contest between the two shows. With time, even so, they learned to work together. They fifty-fifty shared some visiting actors.

It Wasn't Easy Returning to Jeannie'south Canteen

In the bear witness, all the audition saw was a puff of fume when Jeannie magically returned inside her canteen. On gear up, nevertheless, getting into the canteen wasn't such an easy endeavor. Eden had to make some awkward maneuvers to pull information technology off.

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The life-sized bottle set was atop an eight-foot structure fabricated of forest. Every time they had to shoot a bottle scene, Eden climbed a ladder and bridged a precarious gap. You'd think they would have congenital a staircase to help speed things up, but no, information technology was a ladder every time. Speaking of which …

Trapped in a Bottle

Because the bottle was such a complicated set piece, Eden couldn't actually get out it without help. On one occasion, she actually got trapped inside during shooting. The irony surely wasn't lost on her.

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The director announced lunchtime and anybody began to leave the ready — and left poor Barbara Eden behind. She had to scream and yell for help before someone came back to get her. The worst role? Her screams were recorded and incorporated into some episodes. The more realistic, the better, right?

Its Popularity Was Unexpected

Equally it turns out, no one idea I Dream of Jeannie would terminal for more one season. Initially, the network wasn't even willing to film the show in colour — they didn't want to spend the actress money. That'south why the first flavour was filmed in black and white.

Photograph Courtesy: NBC Boob tube/Wikimedia Eatables

While the testify was pop enough to be shot in colour for season two, it didn't actually have off in popularity until after the finale of season five. It was during reruns of the show that it gained a truly dedicated cult following.

Strict Regulations

It wasn't but Barbara Eden'south omphalus that was highly scrutinized by network executives. They had strict rules regarding Barabra Eden'south body and how much of information technology could be visible, including that her legs could never be shown.

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Considering of this, Jeannie almost always wore long flowy pants — although sometimes those pants were translucent. They never had a problem showing Barbara Eden's midriff, still. It'due south office of what made Jeannie so memorable!

Jeannie Was Blonde Because of Barbara Eden

Originally, producers were confronting casting a blonde Jeannie. When Barabra Eden auditioned for the function, however, they fell in love with her. They tried to convince her to dye her hair brown for the show, but Eden wasn't having any of information technology.

Photograph Courtesy: NBC Television/Wikimedia Eatables

Somewhen, they had to take her decision. They were nervous nigh Eden's resemblance to her competition, Elizabeth Montgomery in Bewitched, but things seemed to work out in the end. Fans roughshod in beloved with Eden just similar the casting director did.

Hagman Cocky-Medicated to Get past

There are enough of stories well-nigh Larry Hagman's behavior on set, and many of them involve his substance abuse. In an attempt to cope with his profound dissatisfaction with the show, he allegedly self-medicated with booze and marijuana. It began outset thing in the forenoon, according to Eden.

Photo Courtesy: Bogaerts, Rob/Wikimedia Commons

She claimed Hagman started the day by downing champagne and smoked marijuana and drank more between scenes. Somewhen, the network decided to intervene. They encouraged Hagman to seek support, but his time on the prove connected to be difficult.

Jeannie's Ever-Irresolute Backstory

Jeannie'southward origin story underwent some changes over the form of the show. In the start episode, Jeannie explained that she was trapped in the canteen by an evil djinn 2,000 years ago and that she was once a normal human woman.

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Afterward on, notwithstanding, Jeannie's backstory changed — she then claimed she was descended from a long line of genies and was never a part of the human race. Mayhap they didn't want to pursue the Jeannie-as-homo bending, but either way, not many people picked up on the inconsistency at the time.

Eden Loved the Lion on Set

Barbara Eden confessed in an interview that one of her favorite I Dream of Jeannie episodes was the ane with the king of beasts. In the episode, Jeannie decided she wants to have a pet around to keep her company, then she conjured up a ferocious feline.

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Eden had worked with lions before, so she loved working with the gentle giant for the scene. Hagman, on the other hand, refused to get too close to the animate being. Co-ordinate to Eden, Hagman said, "I'm not making friends with any f*cking lion!"

Hagman'south Antics Were Ridiculous

Larry Hagman didn't only potable and smoke on set. Rumor has it that Hagman actually vomited and urinated on some of the props following a script he institute peculiarly upsetting. It'southward a wonder Barbara Eden put up with him!

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On 1 occasion, the producers invited nuns from the neighboring Flying Nuns set up to come over for a visit. Hagman took the opportunity to start shouting profanities and use a prop ax to threaten them. Needless to say, the nuns couldn't get away fast enough.

The Secret Behind That Impressive Updo

If you've seen even one episode of I Dream of Jeannie, yous tin appreciate the impressiveness of Barbara Eden's towering updo. She sported some blonde bangs, a thick twist of a complect, and a ponytail that cascades to her shoulders. Could all of that hair have belonged to Eden?

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The truth is that most of those blonde locks weren't Eden's. The ponytail was really a clip-in, although the bangs were Eden's real pilus — she even wore them off-set. Eden's transformation into Jeannie, including make-up, took about three hours to complete every solar day before shooting.

They Masterfully Hid Eden's Pregnancy

Eden learned she was pregnant only halfway into I Dream of Jeannie'southward start flavor. Given that Eden's character typically went effectually with her midriff exposed, getting meaning could have proven problematic. Thankfully, the testify found a way to piece of work around it.

Photograph Courtesy: NBC/Getty Images

They oftentimes used Jeannie's flowy material in creative ways, draping swaths of cloth beyond her midsection. They also posed Jeannie behind other objects. According to Hagman, they filmed episodes back-to-back so they could finish before Eden got too big. In the end, not many viewers noticed.

Musical Origins

The inspiration behind the prove and its championship is older than yous might recall. Part of what gave the creators the thought was an old song from the 1800s that went, "I dream of Jeanie with the light brown hair / Borne, similar a vapor, on the summertime air."

Photograph Courtesy: Foster, Stephen C/Picryl

The song may also be why producers wanted Jeannie to exist a brunette. Even with blonde hair, however, Eden managed to capture Jeannie's light effervescence effortlessly — all you have to do is switch the song from "chocolate-brown" to "blonde."

An Exciting — Merely Cold — Beginning

When watching I Dream of Jeannie, y'all might non consider the consequences of Eden having to walk around with then footling clothing on all the fourth dimension. According to Eden, information technology wasn't always and so glamorous to accept so little protection from the cold.

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During the show's airplane pilot episode, Eden had to human activity in her outfit on a chilly beach in December. While everyone else had adequate roofing, Eden had to tough it out in her genie costume, all while pretending she was on a tropical isle.

Eden All the same Wears Her Costume Decades Later

Barbara Eden doesn't let her age interfere with her ability to rock the Jeannie costume. During the I Dream of Jeannie 50th anniversary, she donned her old costume and took to the phase — midriff and all. Eden was 78 years sometime at the time and looked just as stunning as always.

Photograph Courtesy: Manfred Werner/Wikimedia Commons

Many applauded Eden for stepping back into her old role for the occasion. Many celebrities came out for the celebration, and the show was honored for the classic sitcom that information technology'south become. Sadly, the late Larry Hagman couldn't be there.

Eden Tried to Warn Producers

There is one event in the I Dream of Jeannie series that is widely recognized equally the show's downfall. In the final season, Tony Nelson and Jeannie got married. The network was pleased by the alter — they'd received criticism over having the single Jeannie live with Tony — but the actors weren't so happy.

Photo Courtesy: skeeze/Pixabay

Eden explained that marrying the 2 killed the appeal of the show; it was their scandalous flirtatiousness that anybody loved, later all. Moreover, Jeannie was an otherworldly being, not a housewife. Viewers weren't enthused.

Hagman Was the Concluding to Know

For unknown reasons, Larry Hagman was not formally informed when the prove got canceled. Even his agent wasn't tolf. Story has it that Hagman had just returned from a vacation overseas when he visited the set to think some personal items and found out about the decision.

Photograph Courtesy: Bogaerts, Rob/Wikimedia Commons

A security guard ran into the actor and asked him why he was there, at which signal Hagman learned the truth. Poor Hagman had no idea and was understandably angry at the network. Imagine hearing you're out of work from a security baby-sit!

They Burned the Set to the Ground

When the archetype comedy finally came to an end, they didn't know what to practise with all of the props and gear up pieces. It was as well expensive to transport them or find an alternative home, so they merely set everything aflame. I Dream of Jeannie burned to the ground.

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It's not quite as shocking as yous recall — burning one-time sets was common practice in Hollywood at the fourth dimension. Information technology's certainly not something you would see today, but for the 60'southward, information technology was how y'all fixed the trouble of unwanted materials.

Eden Is Adamant Jeannie Isn't Man

oVER the years, Barbara Eden has been quick to remind viewers that her character Jeannie is non, in fact, man. This is part of why she objected to the marriage with Tony Nelson — the two don't even belong to the same species!

Photograph Courtesy: NBC/NBC via Getty Images/IMDB

Focusing on the fact that Jeannie was a magical beingness as well helped calm those that were scandalized by the show. Jeannie wasn't an ordinary woman living with an single human while wearing skimpy clothes and flirting outrageously. She was otherworldly, and therefore, the normal rules didn't use to her.

The Evil Djinn Was Eden'due south Beau

The original premise of the show was that Jeannie actually had been human one time upon a time. In that storyline, Jeannie was imprisoned in her bottle by an evil Djinn who wanted to punish her. The djinn was played past none other than Michael Ansara, Eden's husband.

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Ansara was the starting time of three husbands Eden would have, and their union lasted 16 years. They had a son together named Matthew who tragically died young in 2001, decades later on the couple split. Michael Ansara has besides since passed abroad from Alzheimer's affliction.

Beak Daily Needed Extra Back up

Actor Bill Daily played the role of a NASA astronaut on I Dream of Jeannie. His character, Roger Healy, was Tony Nelson'southward best friend on the show and held a significant spot in the action. His hilarious antics made him a favorite among fans, but things weren't then easy off-screen.

Photograph Courtesy: Eva Rinaldi/Flickr

Daily admitted that reading the scripts was arduous work for him since he suffered from dyslexia. With plenty assist, nevertheless, Daily made it work. Sometimes, he simply had to improvise his lines instead of memorizing the dialogue!

An Unexpected Connectedness

I Dream of Jeannie shared a network with the popular show The Monkees. In i "The Spy Who Came in From the Cool" , observant viewers may take noticed a funny reference to I Dream of Jeannie: a scene with a very familiar lamp.

Photograph Courtesy: NBC Boob tube/Wikimedia Commons

Davy Jones gave the lamp a rub, and out came a genie! It wasn't Barbara Eden. "Imagine that," quipped Jones, "Wrong bear witness!" For viewers at the time, this subtle reference would've been a delightful inside joke for fans.

The Original Inspiration for the Bear witness

1800s songs aside, I Dream of Jeannie is mainly based on the 1964 film The Contumely Canteen. The film starred Barbara Eden, although she wasn't the genie in that one — instead, she was the girlfriend of the primary graphic symbol. This part was crucial to her landing the part of Jeannie on the show.

Photograph Courtesy: Beginning National Pictures/Wikimedia Commons

Before the 1964 movie, there was also a silent version in 1923. Thirteen years before that, Brass Bottle was a Broadway play. Who knew this 1960'southward comedy sitcom had such old origins? These original versions can't be viewed, nonetheless, equally they accept sadly been lost.

Enough of Blunders

Telly shows present are held to much higher standards when it comes to fact-checking. In the 60'due south, yet, enough of errors fabricated it throuugh. I of these blunders in I Dream of Jeannie came in 1 of Tony Nelson's discussions about NASA. He talked nigh their headquarters being in Florida, but NASA was really in Texas at the fourth dimension.

Photo Courtesy: Shaan Hurley/Flickr

Another time, Nelson described Italian republic to Jeannie as a land she would have known as Gaul. Notwithstanding, Gaul was actually in what is now France. Oops! Looks like the script-writers needed to double bank check their piece of work.

A Heated Conflict

Thanks to Larry Hagman'southward insufferable behavior on set, he didn't always get along with the visiting actors. Usually, these disagreements didn't escalate too far, but 1 exception came when Sammy Davis Jr. of Rat Pack fame fabricated a guest appearance.

Photo Courtesy: Allan Warren/Wikimedia Eatables

Davis Jr. needed Hagman to read him his lines. Instead, rumor has information technology that Hagman drooled in response. Ane thing led to some other, and the two got into such a large fight that they had to be separated. Later, Davis Jr. asked Eden how she could work with "such an a**hole."

An Unlikely Reunion

I Dream of Jeannie has had a couple reunion specials over the years: one in 1985 and another, I Still Dream of Jeannie, in 1991. Fans appreciated these films, but there was some other mode in which Barbara Eden and Larry Hagman reunited decades afterward.

Photograph Courtesy: Tabercil/Flickr

Hagman went on to star in the TV testify Dallas. In a fun twist, Barbara Eden was invited to do a few episodes on the show, too. If you listen closely, fans can catch several subtle references to their past on I Dream of Jeannie.


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