
Apex Legends

Fans of both Apex Legends and the Titanfall series are having a field day this calendar week. So much connective tissue is showing between the two franchises, and it seems similar the new Apex Legends Legacy Arena mode is going to keep those connections growing with the reintroduction of Ash from Titanfall ii.

As more and more lore continues to be revealed for Noon Legends, information technology's starting to become simply how clear the connection is between it and Titanfall. With the "Stories from the Outlands – Northstar" being the most contempo large-scale necktie in.

Today changes all that with the trailer for Apex Legends Legacy, the next chapter in the Apex Games. The trailer put Ash at the head with her hosting a new game way titled "Arena."

Hither'due south everything you need to know near who Ash is from Titanfall and how she connects to Apex Legends.

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Who is Ash from Titanfall?

Ash has quite the backstory and is already an established character in both Titanfall 2 and Noon Legends so it makes sense that she would be one of the new of import characters for Apex Legacy.

She served as one of Titanfall two's antagonists with her participation in the mercenary group the Apex Predators. Nevertheless, she lived after her defeat by protagonist Jack Cooper and BT and continued to work on and off with Apex leader Kuben Blisk. After having her mind transferred into a robotic trunk, Blisk threw her caput into the interdimensional portal featured prominently in the Apex map Kings Coulee. Later on being reassembled past the Legends, she's contacted once once more by Blisk who invites her to get encounter an "old friend," a reference to the now playable Horizon.

She's certainly had her ups and downs both on and off screen, but now she seems to exist tapping into her more sadistic side by hosting the bloodsport spinoff of the Apex Games, the Apex Arena.

While not much is known virtually the Noon Arena other than what's in the teaser trailer, information technology seems similar we're going to exist getting a whole lot of Ash in the upcoming flavour.

For more on Titanfall and Apex, brand sure to stay correct hither on DualShockers.

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Gaming Trailers

Peter Hunt Szpytek

Peter is from Chicago. He'due south played more JRPG'due south than he tin can count despite being not totally great at them and you can commonly detect him on the weekends dropping hot in Apex Legends. When not belongings a controller, he'southward at the gym trying to arrive shape for his next cosplay.

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